關閉 299110467_445755597567082_1716063811267159327_n.jpg JOJOZOO PARK JOJOZOOPARK
● Taiwan's largest bird skynet
● The largest owl observatory in Taiwan
● Ecology can see all kinds of birds
● Combined with shopping mall space, there are many special food and snacks
● A vast theme park with a dynamic illusory model, suitable for parents and children to explore

關閉 001_尚順育樂世界_樂園TOP1照片-500x500-02.jpg Shang Shun World Shang Shun World
● The first amusement park with indoor 5D somatosensory interactive amusement technology only in Taiwan.
● The diverse entertainment activities include the immersive symphonic theater with somatosensory interaction.
● Science and Technology Innovation, Learn & Play.
● Combined hotel accommodation, shopping malls.
● One-stop rest service, a theme park suitable for parents and children.

關閉 logo_top_02.png Yuan Sen Applied Botanical Garden 園區內擁有近300種的台東原生種珍貴植物,群山環繞、視野遼闊,自然吸收來自土地的芬多精;藍海綠地的視覺享受,現採有機食材,調理出絕品汆燙鍋,健康無負擔,園區對自然的堅持,讓您純粹享用每一分用心,還原由內而外的自然健康。

關閉 御守亭狐狸.jpg Dancewoods Hotels & Resorts Located in the midst of the coastal recreation zone in the Yilan Plain, Dancewoods Hotels and Resorts is a unique Japanese garden resort that features beautiful landscapes, art, ecology and recreational elements. The resort is close to the estuary of three of the nearby rivers – Lanyang River, Yilan River and Dongshan River – which is considered the ideal spot to enjoy the Guishan sun, one of Yilan’s top eight attractions. Terraced rice paddies and the Xueshan and Zhongyang mountain ranges also come into view. The unique Japanese garden has beautiful and relaxing scenery and green landscape everywhere. There are also a performance hall, art gallery, restaurants and cafe, Cherry Blossom Tea Room, Yushou Pavilion, exploration park and wedding venues with beautiful landscape and water view. The array of recreation themes and guided tours meet the needs of every visitor.

關閉 怡園景觀池_深灰屋頂  500x500.jpg Yiyuan Resort Hualien’s Yiyuan Resort is located in Shoufeng Township, spanning East Rift Valley and the mountain ranges next to the Pacific Ocean.
This area is blessed with blue skies, mountains, wide roads, clean air, light breezes and lush greenery. There are no 5-Star hotels here, but nevertheless you will be received with the warmest welcome and hospitality. Here, you will be surrounded by nature, and our forest of old trees. Be ready to relax and embraced by nature.
It is definitely an ideal nature spot for families to spend time together. The most relaxing attribute about Yiyuan Resort is its serene and quiet environment, especially designed to give visitors a satisfying, leisure and comfortable vacation experience. Yiyuan invites you to come and experience the countryside away from the busy city life, where you can go at a slower pace and create beautiful memories.

關閉 IMG_1366.JPG Farglory Ocean Park The 8 theme areas in Farglory Ocean Park are full of fantasy and surprises. There are Ocean Village, Discovery Island, Dolphin Lagoon, Main Street, Harbor Square, Brighton by the Sea, Underwater Kingdom and Crystal Castle. Besides fun and exhilarating recreation facilities, there are also 4 amazing performances: the Water Wizards Dolphin show, the lovable sea lions, Taiwan’s only Ocean Mammals Ecology Class, and the interactive Crystal Castle monster in the Wonderful Ocean. All cost millions to build so that visitors to the Underwater Kingdom can learn about the amazing creatures in the world under water.

關閉 自然的渡假天堂.jpg Kentington Resort Coming to Kentington Resort, located in Manzhou Township, each autumn, is like a date with an old friend or you can see it as having a chance to see the eagles!
You should come to Kenting in autumn. When you look up the sky, you will no longer feel a sense of loss.
You will see that the migratory eagles – by the river, perching on poles, ready for take off, or landing – are all in your field of vision, proving you with an amazing view!
You can’t help but admire the sight, stopping momentarily to wait for their next move.
Consider an excursion to Kentington Resort for a change of pace, right now, in the autumn!

關閉 主題樂園-2.jpg Dalukun Land Dalukuan River, Waterpark, Humid Zone Garden, and Cactus World

關閉 _DSC5766.jpg E-DA Theme Park E-Da Theme Park is a large-scale recreation area that integrates many diverse themes, such as culture, art, shopping, delicious food, recreation and vacation. As the only Greek-inspired theme park in Taiwan, many of the unique features of Greece, such as the blue and white island mountain town and famous scenes in Greek mythology are presented in front of your eyes. The exotic themes and unique scenery leave a strong impression on visitors. The park is divided into three major areas, all connected by the sky monorail. Visitors can ride in the monorail to enjoy a birds-eye-view of the beautiful park and save a lot of energy at the same time. The recreation facilities in each of the three areas are also the best in Taiwan. Whether you come with family or friends, you’ll have a relaxing great time.

關閉 123.123.jpg Bada Forest Paradise • Taiwan’s original “Forest King Story” gives you a challenging experience to break through obstacles by combining ecology education, family games, and team motivation activities. Definitely a memorable experience!
• The only Mahogany Forest with more than 3000 Mahogany trees in Taiwan. It covers an area of 19.4 hectares and is shady and cool!
• Taiwan’s original Forest King Story branding - insects, fish, birds, animals, flowers, grass, trees and human – makes up each theme area in the park!
• A diverse amusement park that meets the planning and direction of the tourism industry as a family recreation park, through forest experience games and interactions with others. It achieves the goal of leisure fun through edutainment promotion.

關閉 生態06-尖山埤江南-醉月小樓.JPG Liuying Jianshanpi Resort 1. Taiwan’s only amusement park with its own reservoir.
2. Canoeing, tree climbing, cable gliding, Taiwan’s largest land and water exploration amusement park.
3. The only sightseeing amusement park in Taiwan that has a reservoir for canoe-based touring.
4. The only amusement park south of Yunlin that has received the Excellent Scenic Recreation Area award for 10 years consecutively from the Tourism Bureau.
5. The only direct state-owned amusement enterprise in Taiwan—with the highest quality and safety standards.
6. The amusement park with the most AED emergency facilities in Taiwan – Great commitment.

關閉 DSC06068.jpg Wanpi World Zoo There are more than 300 species of tame and lovable animals, including giraffes, capybaras, alpacas, dwarf sheep, mini horses and zebras. There are also 6 large rides, providing visitors an educational and entertaining experience. It’s a recreational place highly suitable for the whole family and friends to enjoy.

關閉 3.小威の海盜村水樂園.JPG Janfusun FancyWorld Janfusun Fancyworld is the only amusement park in Taiwan that features both land and water-based rides!
The Sky Plaza has many world-class rides that only Janfusun Fancyworld has in Taiwan, such as the Sky Jet roller coaster and the Diving Machine G5.
Covering more than 16,528 square meters of space, Janfusun Kiddy Land is Taiwan’s largest children’s amusement park. It’s an indoor amusement park especially designed for families.
Vicky the Viking is the first interactive play zone in Taiwan based on the cartoon character Vicky the Viking. There are a total of 7 major theme areas in this spot.
Janfusun Museum is Taiwan’s first cultural exhibition hall featuring the integration of knowledge and learning, art appreciation and recreation.

關閉 AJ320 1.jpg Sun-Link-Sea Forest and Nature Resort Sun-Link-Sea Forest and Nature Resort in Nantou offers nature’s amazing works of art. Everywhere you turn, you’ll see wondrous natural scenery such as a Yan’an Waterfall cascading down layers of rocks, Heaven and Earth Eyes (two holes in a rock wall), Anding Bay surrounded by cliffs, and a thousand year-old sacred tree. Sun-Link-Sea also has flowers and animals – thousands of Holland tulips, white and red pigeons, purplish red and white wild cabbage, and Forsythias – creating a sea of flowers in the park. The dazzling sea of peonies is definitely a feast for the eyes. Everywhere you turn you will be mesmerized by the beauty and charm in the park.

關閉 238334.jpg Atayal Resort Atayal Resort is located between Nantou County’s Ren’ai and Guoxing Townships. It is known in Taiwan and internationally as a premier theme park for its diverse recreation facilities and rich cultural resources. In addition, the Baroque-style Palace Hotel and the casual and comfortable vacation log cabins are also found here.

The Atayal Resort features the rich cultures of the Sediq and Atayal tribes. The accuracy of the Sediq architecture—“Seediq – Bale History” movie scenes were filmed here, and the wonderful aboriginal dance performances are quite impressive. In addition, there is a skywalk located 500 meters above sea level where you can have a birds-eye-view of the whole resort, and experience a one-of-a-kind thrill. The unique natural environment and ecological landscape allow you to enjoy the beauty of nature at its best.

After a cultural and ecological experience, a carbonated hot spring from Mt. Hehuan is ready for you to soak away your stress and rejuvenate your body. We sincerely welcome your visit.

關閉 文化03-九族文化村.jpg Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village is the only theme park that has received 2 stars from Michelin, and it’s also the first theme park that has received the Environmental Education Facility certification from the Environmental Protection Administration for their efforts in cultural preservation. Michelin awarded 2 stars to Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village, 2 stars to the Sun Moon Lake Cable Car, and 3 stars for the birds-eye-view of Sun Moon Lake from the cable car on the Green Guide—for a total of 7 Michelin stars. Furthermore, Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village also received the Traveler’s Choice Award on the 2013 TripAdvisor website, and is the recipient of the 2014 TripAdvisor Excellence Award.

關閉 生態03-東勢林場.jpg Dongshi Forest Garden There are 36 secret attractions in Taiwan being discovered on the internet, and one of them is the Firefly Season in Dongshi Forest Garden.
Dongshi Forest Garden works hard towards creating a rich natural ecological landscape, and the annual Firefly Season from March to May is famous for that. Only during this special time of the year do these little creatures make their appearance. As night falls, thousands of fireflies sparkle and dance on the grass.

關閉 0526 圖片1.png Lihpao Land To enjoy the wonderful and exuberant activities available at Lihpao Land, a 2 day-1 night short visit or a longer 3 day-2 night stay at the 5-star Furong Hotel is commended. The Land Exploration Park’s popular Earth Rescue ride is the only high altitude broken rail roller coaster in Asia. The 4G gravitational force and high-speed 360-degree track design challenges your senses to the max! In addition, the Mala Bay Waterpark has been voted the most popular waterpark in Taiwan. Of all the rides in the waterpark, the outdoor Big Tsunami with artificial waves is the most popular. Whether experiencing the 2.4-meter high super fierce waves or floating peacefully in the diamond waves, both are great ways to stay cool during the hot summer. On the other hand, the brand new “Room Escape” theme room is different from other features in the double theme park, injecting new energy to the world of recreation and tourism. The virtual reality background combines 3 major themes, 9 adventures, and movie quality setting and scenes to give players different responsibilities and story lines. Players have 60 minutes to look for clues, break through barriers and enjoy the adventure!

關閉 火炎山.jpg Hou Yen Shan Recreation Area Updating...

關閉 IMG_3536.JPEG Shangrila Paradise 香格里拉樂園於1990年創立,以歐式花園為主體,率先引進多種機械遊樂設施,並發揚客家文化打造客家博物館,館內陳列文物、衣飾與器具等生活文物,呈現勤儉堅毅的客家精神。自2012年轉手由勤美集團經營管理,勤美集團兩岸三地超過 4,300 位員工、總資產超過 370 億。近年來更轉型成控股公司的型態,由生產事業部、材料事業部、住宅不動產事業部、商場經營事業部及飯店事業部共五大事業部分別在不同的領域中多元發展、穩健成長。園區延續集團之的理念,創造香格里拉樂園的新風貌。

關閉 西湖-賞桐.JPG West Lake Resortopia West Lake Resortopia is located in the culturally rich Sanyi Township in Miaoli County. The 60 hectares of space contains rich and diverse ecological resources. Among them, Tung blossoms, butterflies and fireflies (known as the Three Treasures of West Lake) can be seen from late spring to early summer. The May Tung blossoms, colorful butterflies, and stunning sparkling fireflies, combined with environmental education programs, multimedia exhibition and DIY activities make this the ultimate edutainment spot! In addition, the park has committed to maintaining a friendly environment and implementing the “Go Green” effort in recent years, which has earned recognition from the Executive Branch as “Environmental Education Facility” and “Gold Rank Green Hotel”. Besides having this environmental education center, the nearby attractions, such as the popular tourism factories and safe and delicious local cuisines make West Lake Resortopia the starting point to experience the lovely Miaoli County.

關閉 500-500拷貝.jpg Wan Ruey Forest Park Wan Ruey park altitude of more than 300 meters park, is the closest city forest park, far from the the river basin beautiful natural scenery, it is ideal for vacation and for group activities
Wan Ruey resort can accommodate 700 people, a large conference hall of 500 people, a large indoor playground, a large barbecue area,Camping Site.
Wan Ruey’s grass slide slope is 85 meters long and has three slopes that are safe and exhilarating.

Forest paintball, extreme rock climbing, rappelling altitude, high altitude rope bridge

關閉 小叮噹滑雪場01.jpg Little Ding-Dong Science Theme Park ● Taiwan’s only indoor ski facility covers 26,681 square feet
● 86 physical science facilities
● The latest interactive somatosensory exploration facility
● One admission ticket allows you to play in the water, land and snow
● It’s a great theme park for the whole family.

關閉 生態09-六福村.jpg LeoFoo Village Theme Park Leofoo Village Resort is the most diverse amusement park in Taiwan. The safari wildlife zoo is the first of its kind in Taiwan, housing up to 1000 animals of 70 different species. Furthermore, the resort created many outstanding rides and facilities throughout the years, such as Asia’s first U-shaped spiral roller coaster – Proud Eagle, and the instant gratifying 17-story high Danu God ride that allows you to experience the unique thrills of zero gravity. There are also a variety of cabarets, water dance music shows and a big parade that rivals that of Disney’s. They are absolutely fascinating!!

關閉 2G8A7688-2.jpg Window on World Theme Park In recent years, Window On World Theme Park received the following awards:
1. Certificate of Outstanding Private Amusement Park, Tourism Bureau, MOTC
2. Michelin Star Rated Best Tourism Attraction
3. “Green Building” Gold Mark and “Carbon Reduction Initiative” certificate, Executive Branch
4. English Services Gold Emblem, Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan
5. Certificate of Outstanding Merit, Taoyuan County Health-Friendly Restaurant
6. HACCP & ISO22000, Regulations Governing Accreditation of Certifying Institution for Food Sanitation Inspection and Examination
7. Service Awards from Common Wealth, Commercial Times and Next Magazine
8. “Outdoor Museum”, nicked named by Ministry of Culture

關閉 代表照片_野柳海洋世界_201407.JPG Yehliu Ocean World The huge auditorium that accommodates 3000 audience members features excellent performances by dolphins, sea lions and world-class high altitude diving. As the audience, you’ll never know if the next minute is going to present an amazing stunt or a interesting performance.

Did you know that dolphins have the human IQ of a 6 – 8 year old? They love to be close to people and are our most popular performers. There are excellent at singing, dancing, hoola-hooping, high jumping and head bumping balls. They are fast swimmers and can jump as high in the air as 7 meters. Not only are they fancy surfers, they can also tell you how much is 5+3. In fact, these extremely intelligent dolphins can easily solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems.

關閉 289177.jpg Yun Hsien Resort The computer operated aerial cable car covers a total distance of 382 meters with a vertical height of 165 meters, and the maximum inclination angle at 32.5 degrees. During the cable car ride, you’ll cross over Nanshi River and Wulai Waterfall, an 80-meter high waterfall that has the biggest drop in Taiwan. Wulai River stretches from south to north, with many cliffs and waterfalls along the way. The water in the stream and the mist from the waterfall remove the cations in the air, leaving highly concentrated anions behind. Anions can purify the body and provide important health benefits for our body. The anion density at the streams or forest in Yun Hsien Resort is above 5000 per cubic meter. Therefore, the air quality is especially refreshing. The beautiful natural landscape in Yun Hsien Resort provides tourists a great place to experience nature. It is definitely worthwhile to keep coming back to Yun Hsien Resort.

HomeAmusement Park Best

Amusement Park Best

  • Shang Shun World

  • Atayal Resort

  • West Lake Resortopia

  • LeoFoo Village Theme Park

  • Wan Ruey Forest Park

  • Yehliu Ocean World

  • Dongshi Forest Garden

  • Liuying Jianshanpi Resort

  • E-DA Theme Park

  • Dalukun Land

  • Shangrila Paradise

  • Window on World Theme Park

  • Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village

  • Yuan Sen Applied Botanical Garden


  • Yun Hsien Resort

  • Dancewoods Hotels & Resorts

  • Kentington Resort

  • Lihpao Land

  • Janfusun FancyWorld

  • Hou Yen Shan Recreation Area

  • Little Ding-Dong Science Theme Park

  • Farglory Ocean Park

  • Yiyuan Resort

  • Bada Forest Paradise

  • Wanpi World Zoo

  • Sun-Link-Sea Forest and Nature Resort

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